Sunday, October 16, 2011


1. Don't lie. Sounds simple, right? But I've found myself and others in situations where it seems productive to bend the truth or fabricate something to make myself look better or fit in. It's a trap straight from the pit of hell. As soon as we lie about anything, it sets us up to put on an act to keep from being discovered. We can't live in integrity if we're always covering up.

2. Seek humility. I'm not talking about the false, "look how I put myself so low," kind of humility. Real humility comes from full honest effort and realizing that we don't know it all. We aren't being humble when we play small and defer our gifts so that we aren't noticed. With real humility we can embrace our own brilliance and applaud that of others.

3. Quit acting for the sake of others. We've all done it. We don't go full out or allow our true self to shine through because of what someone else might say. This has killed more dreams and paved the way to horribly destructive behaviours than any addiction. In fact, it has probably caused addictions because people can't cope with living a lie. Your opinion of you is far more important than anyone else.

4. Seek to be the person you've always known you could and you'll find a new sense of freedom. Being a person of integrity isn't a birth right. It comes from a dedication to simple, daily disciplines. Don't compare yourself to someone else, just be the absolute best you can. Be your best,
who might enjoy it.